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In the early days webmasters used to perform some basic SEO for the web site they developed and maintain, it wasn't the separate field but with the passage of time, improvement in lots of search engines and websites starts to grow and make money SEO become an entirely separate profession, and companies starts to hire SEO professionals for the search engine optimization of their websites. Now SEO is a whole new profession and a big business in last few years, and it has different types i.e white hat and black hat. When a SEO professional is optimizing a website for a search engine, it is important to use the methods which are legit and approve by the search engines known as white hat or ethical SEO. However, there is a dark side to SEO, Black hat SEO, which is a method involves deception techniques to trick both search engine spiders and website visitors. Cloaking, spamdexing, keyword stuffing and generating fake traffic are few examples of black-hat.
Black Hat SEO strategies and techniques will hurt your positive process in the search engine and get you flagged for the bad practices, decrease your ranking and or at worst get you banned. Over optimization is one of these tactics and if the site owner is uninformed and doesn't have a good SEO expert, it is very easily done. Over optimization is defined as when a content on a webpage is written in a way that it looks like trying to get search engine attention rather than visitor or a user attention. Unnecessary keyword stuffing in the page content, meta, H1, title, etc. categorized as over optimization of a web page. It is considered as an unethical practice and when the keyword density of a web page content starts to go above 10% it hardly makes any sense for a human reader. Keyword destiny should be 3% to 5 % which is recommended. Over optimisation, my results in De indexation which means your page got removed format the search engine index.
According to google search engine guideline for webmasters, buying and selling links without no follow tag to manipulate search engine results pages, will get your website banned and de indexed by google. In the starting days of search engine optimisation, many seo experts purchase links from other websites in the hopes to improve their rankings. This did work for the benefits of some websites, but now it is widely discouraged and if you purchase a link from another site, it is possible that google would find out and penalize your website as a result. In general, search engines try to spot link sellers and downgrade or ignore the links coming from these sites.
Hidden text is another and probably easiest black-hat tactic to avoid, in this technique a webmaster usually set the color of a text as same as the color of the background of a page. Some search engine easily detects this strategy and penalizes the web page. Another technique is to make an image of same color as text and use it as a background. Sometimes the competitors find out and report it to get that particular website blacklisted. Since the above mention, techniques are traceable now some peoples are trying cascading style sheets and div tag to hide text. A webmaster must always avoid this sneaky and clever technique because it is dishonest and unethical.
URL redirects is a technique where a user click on a search result but it open a differentpage. People who use this technique usually have a high-ranking page and redirect all of its traffic from a search engine to a completely differentpage. This is a misleading technique and a redirect page usually doesn't have any content they just send traffic to another page. This strategy is frowned upon by google because it makes google search results look inaccurate to users.
Link Farm, another black hat technique, is a group of websites that is all linked to each other created by a person or automated software. These web pages are set up in the groups of 10 or more and they have only links of other pages from the same group. It is also known as spamdexing because it spam the index of a search engine. Some link farms have only dozens of websites which look pretty harmless, but some contain hundreds of website linking toward each other and when a search engine detects these huge link farms, sometimes they ban all the sites from their indexes.
Link spamming is also an example of overly aggressive marketing strategy where a spammer uses software or a program to post its link in blog comments, forum conversations, wikis, guest books and all other public discussion forums and groups. It is the king of black hat techniques. When these spammers posts their website links in a comment's box of the blogs with a high page rank, it increases their sites search engine ranking and increase in ranking often results in the spammer's web page being listed ahead of other sites for certain searches, But now most of these blogs and social forums have softwares, which detect and filter link spammers.
It is a known fact that not everyone is able to creat a unique and interesting content. Sometimes people try to duplicate the content or create similar websites with alittle bit of tweaking. Webmasters often use this technique to manipulate page rankings of their website. According to these webmasters when the post the same content on different websites it means they will get more exposure. Search engine nowadays ableto detect duplication of the content and sometime if a search engine won't be ableto detect it, the competitors still able to report them and get their site banned.
When you are trying to cheat the system, it might result in temporary success but eventually the success driedup and you have to face the consequences. Same is the case of the black hat SEO you can cheat and get some instant traffic but no one will come back to a site which is full of unethical techniques like keyword stuffing, links farm, sneaky redirects, hidden texts, etc. and are just created to cheat a search engine robot. SEO experts often debates on the merits of the white and black hat SEO and which is the best, but my take is that it is best to do ethical work and earn the money you are proud of, and I am confident that you will never use the techniques I have mentioned above.
Webmasters or site owners who want to achieve their website success for long term basis usually go for white hat seo or ethical seo. It is natural and approved ways of using strategies and techniques to generate human audience for their web pages according to the well documented rules define in search engines guidelines for webmasters.
When it comes to white hat seo, there are few basics techniques a webmaster should consider when working on their own website or making pages for their clients. Making urls readable for the search engine spiders is one of these techniques and it can be done by removing session IDs from the page url. For example if a domain name or a url contains dynamic characters like = $ & % etc, search engine will not to read these characters. To solve this issue we host websites on the unix base operating systems and be able to rewrite the urls with the session IDs.
Internal linking is a white hat seo technique in which you link one page of your website to another page of your website making it easy for the search engine spiders to spidered these links and make it sure that all pages are found by the search engines. Internal links Contextual or Structural are the best way to establish a site architecture and easy way to help optimize your website. Some sites might not see the dramatic results from internal link but other will certainly be shocked to see forgotten about articles gain significant amount of traffic. Contextual links are the hyper links embedded within the content of a web page and structural links are the one which are created during the designing phase of a website includes navigation bars and site maps.
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The golden rule of seo is "Content in King" and it always will be. content is the information given on a web page and it drive the web. The success of a website depends on its uniqueness and usefulness, it should be interesting to follow so that more people want to visit the site again and again. The quality content should be engaging the reader, helps webmaster increases search engine ranking and most importantly it should promotes the likelihood of quality links from the other websites. It is your weapon on the web and you should use it wisely to win the market share and to do so you have to make sure your content is really noteworthy and serves it purpose to communicate with the reader.
When you are trying to attract human visitors and search engine spider to your page you use ALT and TITLE attributes whenever you can. Usually some webmasters don't see any difference between these two. ALT and TITLE attributes increases the website usability level and also the possibilities to promote. What is ALT attribute? it is an alternative text description for the images which displays before the image loaded on the page. TITLE attribute is use to describe links, tables, individual table row and other other structural HTML elements. So both are primarily meant for the visitors although ALT text seems more important for the crawlers. in Conclusion you can include your main keywords in both these attributes but avoid keyword stuffing.
The essential part of every web page is title and meta tag. <title> is simply use to defines the title of the document or a page. It is used is all HTML/XHTML documents and supported in all major browsers like Internet explore, Mozilla Firefox and Safari etc. Optimizing the website <title> is one of the most important tactic to achieve high ranking in a search engine. You can generate quick and appreciable difference in your rankings just fixing the title tag of your page. <title> should contain your company name along with specific keyword phrases. The best format will be use your company or brand name at the start of the title tag and then use primary and secondary keyword. The best practice is to use less then 70 characters because this is a google limit to display in the search results. Meta tag is not a requirement when your are creating a web page but it is special HTML tag written in the <head> section of a HTML document that provides information about a web page. It do not affect how the page is displayed instead <meta> includes information such as who created the web page and when the page was updated and what it is about and what are the keywords that define the page contents. A lot of search engines use the information provided in a meta tag to build their indices. Meta tags are officially referred to as Metadata elements and they are used in accordance with the W3C - world wide web Consortium Metadata specifications and those of the targeted search engines.
Keywords are the key to on page SEO in which we directly optimize and make change to our web page to get high ranking in the search engine. Optimization of the web page with visible keywords is a key to a good search engine ranking. In the past webmasters use to think the stuffing a page with keywords is a way to get high ranking in the search engine. However, those early black hat SEO techniques weren't completely successful because the keywords often doesn't match the actual content on the page and was misleading to both users and the search engines. Keywords in the url is a good technique to get the search engine attention. e.g We can also use keywords in title tag and also H1 tag. To create the keyword list for the site or web page a webmaster should think like a customer or ask people that what keywords they will use to search for that particular product or service in the search engine. For keyword selection you have to be creative and choosy at the same time and avoid the competitive keyword phrases and including few misspelled keywords in your keywords list is also a good side.
Inbound or back links are the links from other website pages that are linking back to your website. They are a great tool to bring new visitors to your website. Search engine spiders follow links between two websites, more inbound links a website have, the more often a spider will visit that website.Its always good to get inbound links from high page rank websites because it will add great value to your website. Profile backlinks, blog comment type back linking, article backlinks, backlinking with RSS and social bookmarking are some good techniques. Inbound links are very important for a webmaster or a site owner because with the help of these backlinks a website have a great chance to get noticed by a search engine. If these links are genuine and from high page rank websites, search results for the site will be amazing.
White hat SEO strategies and tactics are use for promoting a websites according to rules and search engine guidelines and to achieve long time goals and results. When you are using white hat SEO to optimize and improve your website always start with the good quality content, use good keyword phrases and build links with high page rank websites. There are few limitation toward this approach at first but the reputation stay stable in the future and your organization will become more reliable.
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